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New Engine/Tanker


Updated: July 18,2023

At the July Fire Company meeting the company voted unanimously to accept a contract with KME Fire Apparatus to build our new Engine/Tanker.  On July 18th, 2023 the Fire Company members were present for the signing of the contract with our Salesman Jamie Mechling.  In September our Apparatus Committee will be traveling to FRP for a pre-construction meeting.  Our committee worked tirelessly for the last year to design and gather ideas on how to build our New Engine/Tanker for the future and help serve the citizens of the communities we serve.  

New Engine/Tanker Specs:

6 Man KME Severe Service Cab W/ 16 inch Raised Roof

5 SCBA Seats

Cummings X12 500 HP / Allison 4000 EVS

Hale QMax - 175 1750 GPM Single Stage Pump

FOAMPRO 1600 - Class A Foam System

2500 gallons water tank

25 gallon Class A Foam tank

3 - 200ft 1 3/4 inch Pre-connect Handlines

1 - 100ft 1 3/4 inch Pre-connect Bumper Line

1 - 200ft 3 inch Pre-connect Blitz Fire Line (Rear)

800ft of 5 inch Supply Hose

300ft of 3 inch Supply Hose

3 Sections of 12ft Hard Sleeve

2500 Gallon Folda Tank

8K Generator

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