Landisburg Volunteer Fire Company

Vehicle Extrication Training
On Tuesday August 6th Landisburg Boro held its National Night Out celebration. Members did a demonstration for the residents to give them an up close opportunity to see what it takes to remove someone from a heavily damaged vehicle.

Live Power Line Training
PPL came to the station on 4/17 to do a live demo on the dangers of downed lines. Please take a few minutes to watch this video. The information may just save your life.
PPL Electric Utilities has several initiatives to help our First Responders, and contractors, better understand the hazards associated with electric utility facilities.
Our newest offering is an online certificate course: First Responder Beware at: https://ppl.e-smartresponders.com/ . This individualized, self-paced course gives the participant a broad overview of electrical systems and associated hazards along with steps to mitigate hazards. We highly recommend that all personnel in the field and administration for first responders and even contractors, take this course to better understand electrical hazards, terminology and protocols to consider using during incidents.
Want to become a member?
Just like any Volunteer Fire Company, we too are always looking for more help. We are always in need of firefighters, fire police, social members & other types of members. Its a great way to give back to your community, gain some education, or just meet some new people. For more information on becoming a member, please contact us by writing us at PO Box 143; 301 Faculty Ave; Landisburg, PA 17040, call 717-789-3080, e-mail us at landisburgfire@hotmail.com or just stop by at our Fire Company meetings (second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm).
Download a copy of our Member Application
Not sure what kind of member you want to be? Here is a brief idea of what each kind of member can do:
FireFighter - Must be 18 years of age. Responds to calls, maintains up to date training, helps with fundraisers, & attends company meetings.
Junior FireFighter - Ages 16 or 17. Responds to calls (may not enter a burning building, or hazardous conditions), maintains up to date training, helps with fundraisers, & attends company meetings.
Explorers - Ages 14 or 15. Limited in the scope of support, but can participate in training, canteen services, fire prevention, fundraisers & meetings.
Fire Police - Directs traffic at Emergency Scenes, maintains up to date training, helps with fundraisers, & attends company meetings.
Auxiliary - Helps with Fundraisers, helps to prepare food & drink for firefighters during Emergency Incidents & major training classes.
Social Memeber - Helps with fundraisers, & attends company meetings.
The Landisburg Volunteer Fire Company encourages you to make sure your home address is properly displayed in order for emergency responders to find your home quickly in case of an emergency. Locating your home quickly can save precious minutes during a fire, medical or police emergency call for service. Please partner with us and make sure your numerical address is displayed clearly on your home and mailbox with a 911 reflective address plate. They are made of aluminum, colored with 3m reflective green background, and white reflective stickers. HELP US FIND YOU! The next time you drive home at night, check and see if your address is visible. Is it hidden under the pine tree next to the old rock? If you can't read the address, chances are we can't either.

Please report any controlled Burns
Please report any controlled burns prior to burning to Perry County 911 services at the non-emergency number.

Help Prevent forest/brush fires
Tips for Safe Debris Burning
Comply with Local Regulations: Contact your local fire department in advance to confirm that burning is allowed and to find out whether a permit is required to burn debris.
Check the Weather Forecast. Weather fluctuations, such as sudden gusts of wind, could make debris burning spark a wildfire. Call your local fire department the day you plan to burn debris to finalize that the weather is safe enough to burn.
Choose a Safe Burning Site. A safe site will be far away from power lines, overhanging limbs, buildings, automobiles, and equipment. It will have vertical clearance at least three times the height of the pile, as heat from the fire extends far past the actual flames that you see.It will have horizontal clearance twice the height of the debris pile.
Prepare the Site Correctly:The ground around the burn site should be surrounded by gravel or mineral soil (dirt) for at least ten feet in all directions. Keep the surrounding area watered down during the burn.
If using a Burn Barrel, Make Sure it is Equipped with the Proper Features. Burn Barrels must be made of all-metal construction in good condition (no rust on the sides or bottom) and properly ventilated with three evenly-spaced, three-inch square vents spaced evenly around the rim near ground level. Each vent must be backed by a metal screen. A Burn Barrel must have a metal top screen with mesh size of one-fourth inch or finer to keep sparks from escaping and potentially sparking a wildfire. When burning, layer the different types of debris and stir often. Be careful of sparks escaping the barrel when you stir it.
Remain With your Fire. Stay with your fire until it is completely out. To ensure the fire has been completely extinguished, drown the fire with water, turn over the ashes with a shovel and drown it again. Repeat several times. Check the burn area regularly over the next several days and up to several weeks following the burn, especially if the weather is warm, dry, and windy.
Keep it Legal. It is illegal to burn plastic, tires, and most other waste products not from a tree or shrub.